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Hi Brayden,


Thank you for sharing your story about your grandmother’s blanket with me, it was lovely to read about the special connection between you and your grandma! I really enjoyed reading about your experiences with her and growing up in Gibson City, those personal touches are what made your narrative authentic and reflective of what you truly hold dear to you. I also enjoyed reading about Michelle and her shell, her story was very developed and really creates an immersive reading experience. Both of the narratives do a great job explaining the background of the objects and why they are significant. It’s great to see that one of your takeaways from this challenge is that people are generally more relatable than you initially thought. Moving forward, I think you’ll find that you’re always going to have at least one thing in common with everyone, you just have to ask!


I would like to see you develop more of your personal voice when it comes to telling Michelle’s story. Instead of having her tell it from her first-person point of view, how can you retell her story to us? I would also double check your grammar and word usage in your reflection to make sure that your sentences and reflection have the smoothest flow possible.


Overall, I really enjoyed reading your work and I think you did a great job!



Ms. Swiech

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