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Investigation Mixtape Reflection

This experience taught me that there are many incredibly passionate advocates in our community. The three individuals who I spoke to were focused on the intersectionality of advocacy and their understanding of how their personal privilege means that they have a duty to utilize their voice and advocate for those whose voices go unheard. This stood out to me because typically people advocate for things that personally impact them or someone they love. The individuals I spoke with were all passionate about making sure that everyone’s voices were heard, especially groups that are traditionally underrepresented. The individuals I spoke to represent the new generation of leaders, ones who are paving the way for equity and inclusion of all.


Understanding different perspectives is important to contributing to who we are as learners and as humans because everyone has different experiences and beliefs that contribute to their perspective. We should not just dismiss someone based off of their opinion because we disagree with them. Having open dialogue and hearing about why someone may have the perspective that they have is crucial to creating the best possible environment for learning. 


This challenge has altered my thinking by showing the impact that a question’s wording can have. The original set of questions I had did not result in the answers going in the direction that I had wanted, so I had to reword my questions. It was only a few words, but I received much more elaborate answers when I adjusted the wording. As teachers, we have to be intentional with our wording, and this challenge was a great example of why.

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